AJT Training
Home Educators
AJT Training works in affiliation with the following organisations.
Click on the logos to visit their websites and find out more.
Open Awards
Open Awards is an Awarding Organisation approved by Ofqual, QiW (Qualifications in Wales) and an Access Validating Agency approved by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA).
Skillwise VQ Manager
VQManager is a tool that brings together the functionality of an e-Portfolio, a workflow manager and a reporting tool within one powerful self-contained package.
Pass Functional Skills
The UK's Number 1 Functional Skills Service for Students, Employers and Training Providers.
AJT Training - is an approved training provider on Pass Functional Skills!
AJT Training was set up to offer alternative provision, initially to families who electively home educate. Our mission is to bridge the gap between home education and college using alternative learning. Our ethos puts children and young people at the centre of their education by having a say in what they are learning.
As an approved Open Awards centre, we can offer Premium Functional Skills Packages in Entry 3, Level 1 and Level 2 Maths and English. We also offer Pre-16 National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ). An NVQ is a type of qualification that you can study in the UK and are designed to prepare you for a specific job. We offer a huge range of industries from Health and Social Care to Hairdressing and barbering.
As a small independent training provider, we have widened our net to provide education both privately and through Local Authority. Our staff are all qualified Teachers, Assessors and Internal verifiers with a lot of experience and specialisms in delivering GCSE’s, IGCSE’s, Functional Skills and NVQs. AJT Training offers 1:1 and small group tutoring in all subjects. We run an inclusive centre providing excellent education to all children with all needs.
In collaboration with Pass Functional Skills, we support our learners to achieve their Functional Skills qualifications. Using the premium resources as part of our packages we can assess our learners current learning levels ensuring they are placed on the correct course at the correct level. Each student will also through diagnostic testing understand any gaps in learning and a unique learning plan is created to meet those gaps. We use Pass Functional Skills in our 1:1 and small group tuition to ensure the learner progression is benchmarked and prepare them to become exam ready.